2013年11月18日 星期一


Main idea: How friends influence us and how my classmates made me a more positive person by their passion and considerations.

Topic sentence 1:
Almost everyone knows that their friends can affect their life in a way or another but what most people don't know is that this effect is far more powerful than they can imagine.

supporting sentences:

a.Your friends don't just influence your decisions but they can alter your view of the world, change your perception and turn you into a different person!
   *Looking back, your mom definitely had a good point. For better or worse, our friends have the ability to impact our decisions. And oftentimes, we don’t even realize it’s happening. From the clothes we wear, to the food we eat and even the career moves we make
b.The ways your friends affect your life:
   *They change your beliefs about things: Your beliefs can be changed. Beliefs can be changed if they were constantly challenged and if new beliefs were constantly repeated. The old me had a pessimistic view before I even had the chance to interact with it. This pessimistic view came from the continues programming I received from the people around me in the form of suggestions that are repeated over and over such as "its extremely hard to do ..."
   *They affect your self confidence. Friends alter the perception of each other, if the majority of a group thinks that a person is arrogant or snobbish then this belief will be transferred to the whole group. Since believing that someone is treating you in a bad way might be interpreted as a sign that shows that you are not that worthy then such a belief might affect your self confidence badly.
   *Your friends affect your behavior. An experiment has shown that a monkey that never feared snakes started to fear them when it saw the anxious response of another monkey that feared them!! This means that watching someone who is feeling afraid, anxious or helpless could teach you how to be like him!!
   *Your friends can infect you with bad emotions.Your sad friend might make you feel sad and your depressed friend can let you become depressed on the long term. The same example is like when  we're watching a movie.Simply because the facial expressions of actors transfers to you their emotional states and the same happens with our friends.
 Question: Should I add a paragraph about how to not be influenced by our friends easily here?

Topic sentence 2 :I don't think I will ever have the chance to run into anyone that can influence me more than the other 29 girls in my class.

Question: Teacher Hazel suggested that I put my own experience in the last paragraph, so I put this part in the third part last time to coordinate with the little drama I'm going to play about this part. So should I put this part in the middle and talk about the conclusion theory in the last part? My thought before: I can talk about what I found out from my research and talk about my experience that is magically the same as the theories.

supporting sentences:

a.I learned how to express my feelings and found the real me due to their help.
* I wouldn't say someone doesn't look good in a hair style or in a kind of clothes before, I considered it rude. Since everyone now feels free to express what they really think and say it out loud I started to do the same thing. Surprisingly, girls consider this a sincere piece of advise. By doing this can also shorten the distance between me and my friends.

*Whenever they find me different from usual, they come to me and ask what happened. If I refused to answer they never give up and makes me feel that someone is really there for me and it might be okay for me to say what's on my mind out loud because the people who you're talking to really do care about how you feel.

b.They taught me friendship isn't just a kind of  sentiment, but also the greatest power to change a person.
*A funny example is- they make me talk more. I don't talk much when my friends were around before. 

c.the real experience I had to support my theory of the first and second paragraph.

Topic sentence 3:
Make your friends a good influence on you.

supporting sentences:
a.surround yourself with positive people .
b.Friendships can benefit you in lifting your self-esteem.
c.Your friends should lift you up and help you to be the best person you can be.

2013年11月17日 星期日

main idea and supporting sentences

Main idea: How friends influence us and how my classmates made me a more positive person by their passion and considerations.

Topic sentence1:
Almost everyone knows that their friends can affect their life in a way or another but what most people don't know is that this effect is far more powerful than they can imagine.

supporting sentences:
a.Your friends don't just influence your decisions but they can alter your view of the world, change your perception and turn you into a different person!
b.The ways your friends affect your life:
   *They change your beliefs about things: Your beliefs can be changed.
   *They affect your self confidence.
   *Your friends affect your behavior.
   *Your friends can infect you with bad emotions

Topic sentence2:
Make your friends a good influence on you.

supporting sentences:
a.surround yourself with positive people .
b.Friendships can benefit you in lifting your self-esteem.
c.Your friends should lift you up and help you to be the best person you can be.

Topic sentence3 :
* I don't think I will ever have the chance to run into anyone that can influence me more than the other 29 girls in my class.

supporting sentences:a.I learned how to express my feelings and found the real me due to their help.

b.They taught me friendship isn't just a kind of  sentiment, but also the greatest power to change a person. 

c.the real experience I had to support my theory of the first and second paragraph.

2013年11月11日 星期一

topic 11/11

Main idea: How my classmates made me a more positive person by their passion and considerations.

Topic sentence:

* I don't think I will ever have the chance to run into anyone that can influence me more than the other 29 girls in my class.

*The year I spent with them has gradually changed my pessimistic personality and made me more optimistic.

*I learned how to express my feelings and found the real me due to their help.

*They taught me friendship isn't just a kind of  sentiment, but also the greatest power to change a person. 

2013年11月4日 星期一

11/5 adding details

Focus more on my personal feelings:

1.What my classmates really helped me was making me more honest to myself. You have to admit your feelings to yourself first before looking for a way to solve your problems. 

2. After they made me share, I felt that I'm not only closer to them, but also a lot closer to myself.

3. Being able to say what I really felt is one of the happiest thing  to do on earth. I appreciate my classmates for giving me the chance to learn this precious lesson.

I posted 2 posts today 

11/5 new thoughts from discussing with studio classroom's teacher

The teacher really helped me a lot with deciding my specific topic. With her help, I solved my greatest concern about being too personal and that I might loose my connection with the audience. 

The teacher's suggestions and my changes:

1. I overcame my problem with not being able to fully express my own feelings. There must be a lot of people including the audience who have the same problem as I did. I can use this connection to lead them to my topic.

2. I can talk about why people can't express feelings and my own reasons why I can't express mine( my family, the society, and the people I met...) 
I researched some information of what some experts found out about why  people can't say their feelings out loud and some general studies.  






After talking about the information and the theories of why caused problems of expressing oneself then I'll talk about what the experts say that would help express one's feelings.
After talking about the research, I want to come back and talk about myself and the most essential reason that made a difference in me- my classmates. 

Manifest the things they've done that changed me and what my changes are by act a little play on stage and make the presentation more entertaining and real.

third try on topic 11/4

What I used to be like:(brief)

1. I wasn't someone who show my feelings in front of others. I don't say out what I really feel. I don't cry in front of others and I don't show my anger. 

2.I don't show what I like or dislike.( This made me don't know what my real interests are.)

3.I don't share my feelings with others. I don't like to talk about myself.

My change:(brief)

1.My classmates made me share what I really felt and tell them what's on my mind. When something bad happens, I tell them, even though they can't solve the problem for me, they spend time with me and help me feel better because they're beside me. I wouldn't have someone to share my sadness with if they didn't help me say them out.

2.When some of my classmates do something really childish or say something inappropriate, I'll tell them because I know they won't be angry and will be thankful because someone point out their mistakes.

3.We talk about almost everything. This made every of us closer to each other and be like a family.

4.They lead me find what I'm interested in by sharing their owns. And we got the same interests to discuss. We got laughter and really good memories because of our mutual interests.

5. They came up with a lot of nicknames for me because once I told them I don't really have one. This made us closer, too. I really appreciate how thoughtful they have been for me.

2013年10月31日 星期四

10/31 second try on topic

To narrow down the topic, I want to focus more on the influence I got from my current classmates.
Since I entered high school and got in the same class with them, I've really changed a lot.
I want to share three main stories that have caused great change on me.
Maybe I can talk about the old me for a little and what kind of personality I had to point out how much I've changed...

The three themes I want to talk about (not set yet)
1. I wasn't someone who could say out loud what I really liked and wanted, but because the girls in our class are free to share everything, so I began to open up my heart to them.

2.I couldn't trust people and believe that someone would really pour out his or her heart to one another, but the girls in our class gave out everything for this class and let me see the unbreakable love we have for each other.

3.I wasn't someone who was devoted to activities in class or any kind of group work, but the girls in our class fight hard to be the best for everything. They taught me to reach and hold on to success when I have the chance.

Since I'm talking about our class, and every one of them are beside me now, I really hope my classmates can get involved in my eight minute presentation. 

2013年10月28日 星期一

10/29/2013 topic

Main Idea: 
I have lived for more than 16 years on this world already. In this project, I want to explore myself, and find out what built my personality.

Why I want to do this: 
When we started to work on this topic, Miss You asked us to decide our topic based on our own interests. I thought about it for nearly three months and can't even come up with something. After discussing with Miss You, I found out the reason was because I don't even know what my interests are or what I like.  Rather than working on topics that I'm not really in to, I would like to spend this precious time on understanding myself. 

My little outline:
The people that influenced me in my life-
 my family, my kindergarten teachers, my classmates and teachers from elementary school to high school

The environment I have been through- 
my family education, my schools, cram schools, and the badminton team I've been in.

The things(stories) that influenced me-
in badminton team, third to sixth grades, prepare for the B.C. test and now. 

How I want to do it:
I would want to act a little play on stage to present every stage of my life. I think by this way, it would be more interesting because all I'm doing is telling a story. In my opinion, the best way to tell a story is to act it out.

My concerns:
My theme is nearly all about myself, I don't know if the audience would be interested in my own story and listen to it for 10 minutes.
The second concern is, if I want to act a play, will it be too complicated and hard to prepare?

2013年9月21日 星期六

Self explore.

After discussing with Miss You, I decide to change my topic to" self explore". When we were starting to decide our topics, I couldn't even come up with one that is appropriate. The reason was because I don't really know what my interests are. Instead of spending time and energy on the topics that I'm not devoted in I would like to try explore more about myself. Hoping that after one year, I can get to know myself more.
I'm going to focus on my personality. I tend to keep everything to myself and have problems expressing my feelings. I would like to look through the reasons that could have made me this way, including my family, my schools, and my friends.

2013年9月8日 星期日


I've chose my topic as "afternoon tea"
I'm going to talk about its history, stories...

I've found some resources, but there aren't much books, so I put up some websites which have lots of information and pictures.

1.山田詩子(2013). 紅茶時間 I 有美味紅茶陪伴的時光.台北:木馬文化

2.google's about.com: it has comparisons about high tea, meat tea and afternoon tea

3.This page comes from the website: afternoontea.co.UK which has a lot of information.

4.from: wikipedia.

5.This is the website about tea traditions and all kinds of tea

6.Weaver's tea. com( It's a reataurant's website with a lot of pictures and the price of all kinds of cakes and tea.)

7.A page that has all kinds of tea you may have for afternoon tea.

8.worldwide afternoon tea

9.afternoon tea shops in the UK


2013年7月12日 星期五

It's really hard to choose a concept. It's a very hard decision since this is such a big project that we have to work on for so long and put so much effort in.
I've been thinking about going on a trip and talk about the place and the people there. But after  talking to Teacher Weichuen, I found out that it is not easy to write about this if my trip is this simple.
Then, I thought that I could write about an exhibition. There are lots of exhibitions coming up in the summer, and I have lots of time to visit them. I wonder if I can list out the ones I am intersted in and then go vist them. Afterwards, I may choose 1 or 2 to talk about. The chosen ones may be something special or classic that can catch people's eyes and interests me a lot.