2013年11月17日 星期日

main idea and supporting sentences

Main idea: How friends influence us and how my classmates made me a more positive person by their passion and considerations.

Topic sentence1:
Almost everyone knows that their friends can affect their life in a way or another but what most people don't know is that this effect is far more powerful than they can imagine.

supporting sentences:
a.Your friends don't just influence your decisions but they can alter your view of the world, change your perception and turn you into a different person!
b.The ways your friends affect your life:
   *They change your beliefs about things: Your beliefs can be changed.
   *They affect your self confidence.
   *Your friends affect your behavior.
   *Your friends can infect you with bad emotions

Topic sentence2:
Make your friends a good influence on you.

supporting sentences:
a.surround yourself with positive people .
b.Friendships can benefit you in lifting your self-esteem.
c.Your friends should lift you up and help you to be the best person you can be.

Topic sentence3 :
* I don't think I will ever have the chance to run into anyone that can influence me more than the other 29 girls in my class.

supporting sentences:a.I learned how to express my feelings and found the real me due to their help.

b.They taught me friendship isn't just a kind of  sentiment, but also the greatest power to change a person. 

c.the real experience I had to support my theory of the first and second paragraph.

