2013年11月4日 星期一

third try on topic 11/4

What I used to be like:(brief)

1. I wasn't someone who show my feelings in front of others. I don't say out what I really feel. I don't cry in front of others and I don't show my anger. 

2.I don't show what I like or dislike.( This made me don't know what my real interests are.)

3.I don't share my feelings with others. I don't like to talk about myself.

My change:(brief)

1.My classmates made me share what I really felt and tell them what's on my mind. When something bad happens, I tell them, even though they can't solve the problem for me, they spend time with me and help me feel better because they're beside me. I wouldn't have someone to share my sadness with if they didn't help me say them out.

2.When some of my classmates do something really childish or say something inappropriate, I'll tell them because I know they won't be angry and will be thankful because someone point out their mistakes.

3.We talk about almost everything. This made every of us closer to each other and be like a family.

4.They lead me find what I'm interested in by sharing their owns. And we got the same interests to discuss. We got laughter and really good memories because of our mutual interests.

5. They came up with a lot of nicknames for me because once I told them I don't really have one. This made us closer, too. I really appreciate how thoughtful they have been for me.

