2013年9月21日 星期六

Self explore.

After discussing with Miss You, I decide to change my topic to" self explore". When we were starting to decide our topics, I couldn't even come up with one that is appropriate. The reason was because I don't really know what my interests are. Instead of spending time and energy on the topics that I'm not devoted in I would like to try explore more about myself. Hoping that after one year, I can get to know myself more.
I'm going to focus on my personality. I tend to keep everything to myself and have problems expressing my feelings. I would like to look through the reasons that could have made me this way, including my family, my schools, and my friends.

1 則留言:

  1. We need to narrow down the topic. Which part of your personality? How to carry out the research? You might want to read Sandra's blog to get an idea.
