2013年9月21日 星期六

Self explore.

After discussing with Miss You, I decide to change my topic to" self explore". When we were starting to decide our topics, I couldn't even come up with one that is appropriate. The reason was because I don't really know what my interests are. Instead of spending time and energy on the topics that I'm not devoted in I would like to try explore more about myself. Hoping that after one year, I can get to know myself more.
I'm going to focus on my personality. I tend to keep everything to myself and have problems expressing my feelings. I would like to look through the reasons that could have made me this way, including my family, my schools, and my friends.

2013年9月8日 星期日


I've chose my topic as "afternoon tea"
I'm going to talk about its history, stories...

I've found some resources, but there aren't much books, so I put up some websites which have lots of information and pictures.

1.山田詩子(2013). 紅茶時間 I 有美味紅茶陪伴的時光.台北:木馬文化

2.google's about.com: it has comparisons about high tea, meat tea and afternoon tea

3.This page comes from the website: afternoontea.co.UK which has a lot of information.

4.from: wikipedia.

5.This is the website about tea traditions and all kinds of tea

6.Weaver's tea. com( It's a reataurant's website with a lot of pictures and the price of all kinds of cakes and tea.)

7.A page that has all kinds of tea you may have for afternoon tea.

8.worldwide afternoon tea

9.afternoon tea shops in the UK
